Sick, Sicker, Sickest

There was me trying to learn what Web 2.0 was exactly. Well, when I stumbled upon Francis Shanahan's web site I began to get a good idea. This bible was fun, although not an example of Web 2.0 I guess..
Still, the site gave me a better idea of Web 2.0 than Wikipedia did.


  1. Hey Josh, thanks for the mention. Didn't catch your meaning from the title though, did you mean sick as in really cool or sick as in really mentally ill? I could see your point either way.

  2. Sick as in cool. Sorry, that word's like entering my brain on the regs when I see something cool nowadays. :)

  3. nDrmPz The best blog you have!

  4. kOcyXd Good job!

  5. Wonderful blog.

  6. Hello all!


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