Starting programs with high priority in XP

Start programs in high priority in XP with

start “<program_name>” /HIGH “<program_path>”


For example, starting Windows Media Player with High Prio:

start "WMP" /HIGH "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe"


To make practical use of this command, put it in a batch file, make a shortcut to this file, then modify the shortcut’s icon to the icon of your program – sorted!



-          A batch file is simply a text file but instead with extension BAT, e.g. start_wmplayer_high.bat

-          The <program_name> part of the command above can be any name you want


Why? you ask..

-          Well, on my work PC I run java programs, and whenever you start them up my anti?virus goes skitz, maxing out the CPU, and temporarily rendering Win Media Player useless, which makes the music that’s playing stutter like hell!

-          An alternative is to open Task Manager, and change the priority of the wmplayer.exe process manually, but this take time. Hence the above solution.



  1. BrUwLj The best blog you have!

  2. wvJ8MX Magnific!

  3. actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

  4. Connor Francis Willcocks09/09/2009, 10:13

    Thank you ;)


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