
Showing posts from January, 2008

Donateware for artists

Something just occurred to me. Why don't music artists accept donations for their music. I mean I can't honestly say I always pay for the music I listen to *cough* but if I happened to really like something, I'd be happy to cough up some cash for it. I mean sticking donate buttons on music sites and.. well, all over place actually, could be an decent additional revenue stream for musicians. If you happen to read this in 2008, please drop me a comment and say what you think of this fantastic idea. ;)

Convert Word documents to MediaWiki markup

This little bit of wisdom may help me feed Word docs to my corporate Wiki. Needs to be tried and tested ) clipped from Converting documents to mediawiki markup Word Documents Saving a relatively simple Word document (no images or tables) to html and then running that through the converter here produced good mediawiki formatting. A document including images, tables, and centered text did not work as well. The images would need to be added to OWW separately, the table also didn't come out quite right and centered text was no longer centered. A direct converter can be found here . A series of Word macros for doing simple conversions (including tables) is here ; they seem to work reasonably well but aren't designed for sophisticated layouts.  

Live Amsterdam video feed

Live video from Amsterdam Wanna have some fun. Ok, some geeky fun then..! I came across THIS video feed via one of the mashups on Programmable Web (Google it). It points to a cgi file that somehow also spews out an mjpeg stream. Unfortunately I don't really have much of a clue how this works. Well maybe that was a good thing cos otherwise I wouldn't have had any fun playing around with it. Essentially, I discovered that if I loaded this url in Firefox, waited a few seconds to watch the url stat loading, then hit the refresh button, I got a weird realtime video stream in the browser window. It was flickery, and I think what was happening is that the page (I guess this has something to do with the cgi file) was refreshing very rapidly, spurting this mjpeg stream out. But bah, I don't really get it. What don't I get? Well I don't get that I still can't get any other application to play that video stream with the same url (

Apple Macbook Air

When I saw this I started drooling and (nearly) headed straight to Ebay... and I'm not a Mac fan at all. So here are some pics. Note however the "fatal flaw" according to Gizmodo. You can't open it up. To be honest, I don't really see that as an issue. I think many laptop owners, especially those that go for eye-candy never go near the inside of their laptop, or change the battery. clipped from The MacBook Air is only 0.75 in. thick at the hinge. clipped from The super-svelte MacBook Air. Courtesy of Apple. clipped from clipped from MacBook Air's Fatal Flaw: Battery, RAM, HD Sealed Like an iPod