
Showing posts from May, 2014

Fix Windows Installer "Invalid Drive" error

Problem You may get an error like this when trying to install something on Windows (Windows 7 in my case). You may assume it is caused by an inaccessible network drive (e.g. H in my case) and that disconnecting the drive will solve the problem. It didn't for me. Rebooting also didn't solve the problem. Then I found this Microsoft article , which was rubbish. Then finally I found this Microsoft Technet article and the top answer over there solved my problem. Solution The Technet article recommends checking the following 2 registry locations: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders In the first location I found this. Note how there is one reference to drive H, the rest are to a system var %USERPROFILE%. Simply modifying the path H:\Favorites to %USERPROFILE%\Favorites solved the problem immediately. The ins...

Don't be fooled about Net Neutrality

The provocative title is so that I can air a grievance that I have about the way internet providers (cable companies and mobile operators) are presenting the Net Neutrality discussion that is flooding the interwebz right now. Basically articles about Net Neutrality are way too long and are often misleading. I will try to continue in that line ;-) At least the way-too-long is almost unavoidable. Misleading I try not to be. I must admit I am still fully comprehending it myself, but the term Net Neutrality should speak for itself. To me it means what it says, but to add a couple more words to make it nice and clear. "Net Neutrality is about having a neutral internet." However, the EU likes to define it as: "the principle according to which all internet traffic is treated equally, without discrimination, restriction or interference, independently of its sender, recipient, type, content, device, service or application." ( citation ) Right, well at least my defin...