Reuse windows for launching shortcuts

I actually got the original tip off my mate at work,
having forgotten where the setting was. I then looked it up on Google to
get a handy link. I'm talking about dealing with the internet annoyance
which manifested iteself today by dragging me away from a web form I was
filling in when I clicked on a link in Windows Media Player.
Yes, I is talking about Reuse windows for launching shortcuts,
otherwise known as "don't take me away from a web page that I don't
bloody want to get taken away from"
Here, check it out:

Oh, and if the link's broken, here's the short version:
Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> Browsing -> UNCHECK "Reuse
windows for launching shortcuts"



  1. 69PePV The best blog you have!

  2. u0Y9Qd actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

  3. Thanks to author.


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