Syndicate a Marktplaats search

I did a Marktplaats search (Dutch buy&sell site) and after messing around with the URL, I got
Google to display it nicely in Google reader.

Note to self: Make a form that generates these thingies for a given Marktplaats search and adds them automatically to
Google reader.

Here’s the example. It's a feed for TVs from 1-100 euro (only works with Google I think, not sure):

And this link will let you add the above feed
directly to Google Reader, or your Google personalized homepage:

:))) Cool huh? :)))


  1. mIpJ6N The best blog you have!

  2. eZNObJ Good job!

  3. actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

  4. Please write anything else!

  5. Wonderful blog.


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