LinkaGoGo to Yahoo bookmarks migration (including tags!)

I'm pleased with Yahoo My Web BETA

I just imported my LinkaGoGo bookmarks successfully with tags!

  • I exported the LinkaGoGo bookmarks using the Delicious export option. This gives you a file called delicious.xml
  • I then imported this file into my Yahoo! My Web BETA bookmarks
  • It bloody worked with tags an' all!
  • I'm now going to use this chap's tool (hmm, that sounded..) to convert from Yahoo to Google... (will update post with result)

Right, didn't quite go as planned getting the bookamrks into Google. The tool only grabs your public bookmarks, it doesn't let you log on and grap all your bookmarks,


  1. WyL6Ex Very good blog! Thanks!

  2. 3jNuqQ Please write anything else!

  3. actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

  4. Hello all!


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