After babbling about smart watches I couldn't hold back on this one either.
There are 3 interesting tech stock. Sure, a lot of people are interested in them.
These are stock to buy and keep on buying for the next 5 to 10 years.
These are fundamental companies of the interwebz today and for the coming decade. Sure there are others, but I like these guys.
Facebook isn't going any-bloody-where despite what pundits waffle about te death of social. It's next financial results will show
nothing less than a boom that will no doubt eclipse its last astonishing set of stats. Next to Google, it is set to gobble up a whole lot of tasty advertising budget.
Google is just doing things right. From the buzz around Google Glass to the plodding ascent of Android. They are by far the smartest company on the planet.
LinkedIn is Facebook for serious work peoples. Let's face it. And there the revenue for
job ads can only go in one direction. I mean, Monster-who?
That was fun.


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